Pixel Streaming Unreal Engine

Launch of Pixel Streaming plugin UE 4.27

Unreal Engine requires highly powerful and large volume storage space for massive file downloads. So, to get instant access to UE applications from any device user needs the Pixel Streaming plugin. The Pixel Streaming plugin from Eagle 3D Streaming is a problem solvent that enables UE apps to run on cloud VM based on GPUs to offer an interactive user experience for low-latency video streaming on a normal browser. For instance, UE applications in real-time are the use case as a car configurator and tools in the automotive industry and another use case is in the application of architectural visualization.

Pixel Streaming plugin was included in Unreal Engine 4.21 version and with UE 4.27, the first production-ready plugin version is getting launched. Unreal Engine 4.27 brings the following:

  • Linux support
  • WebRTC upgraded version by Eagle 3D Streaming in Pixel Streaming plugin
  • Users can Pixel Stream thru the container environment
  • Resolution quality check

Pixel Streaming plugin can be deployed on an extensive scale to offer high fidelity imagery and content across any location to any device. For example, Cesium 3D Tiles in collab with Microsoft Azure, NVIDIA, and Epic Games developed next-gen PoC of real-time flight simulator arrayed on a global scale. Pixel Streaming plugin also provides users in gaining enhanced visibility in accessing design tools and configurations.

Preview of Unreal Engine 4.27 from Epic Games launcher is available and source code through GitHub is accessible for users. Developers can migrate copies of their projects to only test on the 4.27 upcoming preview releases but, cannot be used for active development of their project(s) until the final release of Unreal Engine 4.27. With further updates based on the user(s)/developer(s) feedback and additional quality testing, the final version of UE 4.27 will be released soon. Check out the Preview here